I read the link above and compared it to my mom's recipe...
Take a couple of Garlic cloves, honey (to taste), a little bit of lemon juice, water and a couple of cinnamon stick and bring them to a simmer. Then let it simmer for at least 10 minutes so the cinnamon sticks release their cinnamon. Cool slightly and serve in a mug. Then sip it down.
I adapted my mom's recipe based on the recommendations Earthclinic's site and came up with this recipe.
Cinnamon-garlic-honey tea - mostly by my mama Terri (except **)
* 2 ounces apple cider vinegar
* 2 cups water
* 2 sticks cinnamon
* 2 TBS lemon or lime juice
* 2 Cloves of garlic peeled
* 2 ounces+ of honey (+to taste)
* 2 shakes (~1/4 tsp) ground chile powder - chipotle or cayenne **
Boil all together, then let simmer for 10 minutes. Cool slightly and serve. Sip while still warm. You can make a batch and simple reheat it during the day. Save in glass canning jar and refrigerate if necessary then reheat on the stove.
The pepper kills some of the sting of the soreness. Granted I haven't had as severe a sore throat as others described on the earth clinic site, but this works for me. I think the honey, lemon juice and cinnamon help to make the brew more palatable.