Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lead Poisoning and Unrestricted Warfare

It is no accident that lead and other hazardous items are showing up in toys made in China bound for American children. It is laughable to believe that China has now banned lead in toys IMPORTED TO THE UNITED STATES. Apart from having that so called 'rule' in effect before their current act was discovered, what strikes me is that they have not ruled out exporting lead toys to other countries. I wonder about Japan, Germany, Brittian, Ireland, are they also recipients of these toys? Do you see a pattern? These are all critical trading partners who make or design critical components.

In the book Unrestricted Warfare, a paper created by two high level Chinese Colonels, unconventional warfare is advocated. One of the striking quotes from the book is that "This is to say that there is nothing in the world today that cannot become a weapon, and this requires that our understanding of weapons must have an awareness that breaks through all boundaries" [p16]. "What must be made clear is that the new concept of weapons is in the process of creating weapons that are closely linked to the lives of the common people".

Now let's look at what lead is known to do in children:
When ingested or breathed in:
1. Reduced IQ.
2. Attention deficit disorders.
3. Behavioral problems.
4. Kidney damage.
5. Stunted growth.
6. Impaired hearing.

At high levels lead poisoning can:
1. Cause mental retardation.
2. Cause the victim to fall into a coma.
3. Death.

In the long term lead poisoning is linked to Juvenille Delinquency.

Now for another link in this chain. Many factories in China employ or are run by the Chinese Military (aka PLA, Peoples Liberation Army).

I for one do not believe for one second that the use of lead paint was simply a mistake or oversight on the part of the Chinese factories. I believe this was an attempt by the PLA to poison our children. One of the passages in the book Unrestricted Warfare, is that it is more effective to cause casualties than it is to kill your enemy. The reason is simple, having to take care of casualties/wounded weakens the enemy. Not only is lead poisoning one way to ensure your enemies are unable to fight, it is also an excellent way to ensure they cannot fight you for their lifetime due to sickness or mental incapacity.

China's leadership believes War with the US is inevitable. China has been implementing their master plan to defeat the US via unrestricted warfare. I believe this war has been going on since the late 1990s if not earlier. In addition to the recently published Network Warfare attacks and successful penetration of DoD networks by Chinese military, there is the policy of China to conduct financial warfare against us. By using prison labor and military workers, China has eliminated alternate source of many items we buy by making it economically unfeasible to make products anywhere but China. If you take a look at Unrestricted Warfare's list of alternative methods of combat, you will see we are battling China already on most of these.

Technological Warfare: HD-DVD standard - 2 weeks ago. Purchase of IBM's hardware business - Lenovo, 2 years ago. Red Flag? Linux (chinese version of linux).

Resource Warfare: Buying rights to oil fields, and buying as much crude oil as possible (e.g. Venezuela, Argentina). Buying shipping ports in the US (Long Beach , New York).

Smuggling Warfare: China has been doing this for years. Currently Chinese factories have created at least 5 or more knockoffs of the iPhone.

International Law Warfare: UN Security Council, G8, and I believe the IMF.

These are just some of the methods China is using to wage war against the US. Add disabling and sickening American children to the list.